10 Tips To A Better Pantry

If you’ve been a friend of mine on socials for a bit, then you already know how much I love to clean, organize, update and revamp my spaces whenever I can. I do this within reason and with the changing season and needs of our little family. Most recently, I decided that being able to SEE everything that was in my pantry was going to help me make better food choices for my family, so I opted for these clear Target glass food containers linked here. They have made my pantry a clutter-free, peaceful, space and although it has taken me close to a year to transition (and I am still in the process of!), I don’t regret it one bit :)

Cleaning out your pantry can be a daunting task, but fear not! With a little bit of patience and a solid glass of wine, we can turn this chore into one you’ll be proud of!

First things first; gather your supplies. You'll need a trash bag, a recycling bin, your organizational containers of choice, labels if you prefer them, and a few floor baskets for the odds and ends and bulkier items.

As you begin to sift through the contents of your pantry, you'll come across all sorts of “treasures”. That can of black beans from 2017? Toss it. The half-empty bag of stale chips? Bye bye. And let's not forget about those mystery jars with no labels. Who knows what horrors lie within? Into the trash they go.

As you continue to declutter, you may come across some items that you're not quite sure what to do with. Don't worry, simply Google it. "Can expired baking powder still be used?" "Is it safe to eat peanut butter past its BEST BY date?" The internet is a wonderful thing.

Here are 10 tips to improve your pantry (I googled these -- you can probably do better):

  1. Invest in clear storage containers to easily see what's inside.

  2. Utilize a label maker to label the contents of your containers and jars.

  3. Use a can organizer to keep cans from getting lost in the back of the pantry.

  4. Organize your pantry by category (e.g. baking goods, snacks, etc.) for easy access.

  5. Use risers to create more storage space on pantry shelves.

  6. Use door organizers to make use of the space in the back (or fronts!) of pantry doors.

  7. Utilize under-shelf baskets to make use of empty space.

  8. Keep a running grocery list on the pantry door or nearby to quickly jot down items that need to be restocked.

  9. Use a Lazy Susan to make items more accessible.

  10. Clean out your pantry regularly to keep it organized and free of expired items.

Finally, as you reach the end of your pantry cleaning journey, take a moment to admire all of your hard work. Not only does your pantry now look like a Pinterest-worthy dream, but you've also saved yourself from any potential food poisoning. Cheers to that!

In conclusion, cleaning out your pantry may seem like a tedious task, but with a little bit of patience, it can be a delightful experience that can even inspire healthier food and snack choices without you even realizing it! Happy organizing!


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